Friday, November 17, 2006


I've been sitting here for a long time just searching for Anti-Violence websites thinking what the hell can I do? Not wanting to give too much away about where I live but this boy, a junior at my school, was beaten by a bunch of juveniles & an 18-year-old supposedly over a girl. But this boy needs to have brain surgery because of these beatings. I don't know him personally but it sucks when you live in a small town and something like this happens and you stop and think, "Oh my God. I'm not safe here. Where am I safe?" I've never been uber-religious & I'm not even sure what I believe in, maybe I'm just one of those niave people who believes life should be about kind words and hugs. I don't want to have to look over my shoulder my entire life but I can't live like that. In Sociology, we are studying "deviants" and it's kind of ironic that these guys would something this damn stupid. But I am looking for a prayer shawl for this boy's mother. I don't even feel safe in my own school, I still have to look over my shoulder. I avoid those people who have been arrested or have been sent to juvy because I'm scared that because they know I'm "weak" that I could be a target. Is it normal to have these feelings or am I just freaking out with paranoia? I don't know what to do...

1 comment:

mandie437 said...

hey sarah, I'm just searching your blog and found this entry. I dont believe in looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life but i do believe in being aware of your surroundings. I always walk to my car with my keys between my fingers, If someone tries to jump me they are getting a little extra car key with my punch. I'm sorry to hear about the boy in your school and hope he is doing better. I also live in a very small town and these things have happened here too. Its sad to say but they happen everywhere. I feel you just have to watch what you say to people because you never know who is crazy enough to cause you harm. It never hurts to carry your knitting needles with you. I always have my knitting in my bag, I have thought several times if i needed to use them as a weapon i could. I can see the news headline now " crazed soccar mom stabs robber with knitting needles" lol. That would be a good headline, and i would do it if i had to. I watch people around me at all times, I am a single mom of a little boy and i will not allow harm to come to him if i can help it. I hope you can learn to not be scared just aware. thanks mandie @