Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy birthday to me!!!

I will turn 18 at 9:29 PM tonight officially. Hopefully that will be after a supper at...Waffle House! I'm such a party girl! I also started on these socks using one of the gorgeous skeins of yarn that Mrs. H gave me (thanks for the birthday card!). So far they are turning out to be very, very pretty and I can't wait to wear them! If I could only translate the label's symbol. Hehe. :D

Unfortunately my dad had to work today instead of his usual 11 AM to 11 PM though he gets off at 4 PM. If I'm not on here tomorrow have a glorious Christmas Eve and if not on here Monday, have a very Merry Christmas.

By the way, totally loving the knitting kangaroos over at Google:


Sue J. said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah! I know I'm a day late on this, but that's ok. My sincerest best wishes for your 18th and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I have bookmarked your blog. Very nice!

Bethany said...

Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a great day :)

mandie437 said...

Happy 18th sarah. I hope it was a good one and that you got lots of nice shiney yarn. lol.
happy knitting